Database publication

If you are the author of a thermodynamic database, we can work with you to make your work more visible and broadly available to the geochemistry and chemical modeling communities.

To get started, please send background information about your database (a publication, report, or web page, for example) along with contact information for the corresponding author to

Publication options

Upon acceptance, you may choose any or all of the following options for distributing your database:

  • Listing on our thermo data page, including a short description and a link to an external site where the dataset can be found
  • Direct download from our thermo data page, including a short description and link to further information
  • Installation as part of the GWB software, begining with the next maintenance release

Database preparation

The TEdit app, which is available at no cost as part of the GWB Community distribution, offers a wealth of not only editing, but troubleshooting and verification features of which you will want to take advantage.

Most authors export their database directly in the GWB format, as explained in the GWB Reference Manual. Alternatively, you may prefer to convert an existing PhreeqC or EQ3/EQ6 version of the database to GWB format using the TEdit app.

Use polynomials and temperature ranges of validity in preference to T-tables to represent the temperature expansions of thermodynamic properties in your dataset.

We recommend you read your dataset into TEdit and then overwrite it, or issue the command “tedit ‑touch filename.tdat” from the Command Prompt. In this way, TEdit users will see only the changes they have made when they edit the file.


We suggest you include in the header lines at the top of your dataset:

  • Acknowledgment of authorship, contribution, and assistance
  • The citation or reference you would like to appear in work arising from use of your database


We have experience helping database authors create successful GWB versions of their work. Please contact for assistance.